Scanning /prints/

All prints will be hand scanned in high resolution 600dpi or higher (1200dpi) if required and recorded as a tiff format and 72dpi jpg (for preview purposes) on CD/DVD.
Every single print will be scanned separately. 
File prepared in that way is ready for detailed adjustments in the future. 
Basic adjustments and automatic colour correction is included in below price.

Size up to A4 or 8x10in

1-100     prints  65c
101-200 prints  60c
201-300 prints  55c

Scanning with higher resolution than presented above will cost 15% more in total.

With larger amount of prints to scan price to be confirmed.
Also basic cleaning or basic restoration can be arranged. Price to be confirmed.
If photographs are in album and can't be easily removed for scanning then every scan will cost 10 % extra. 

Standard print's scanning 

PLEASE NOTE - minimum order 15 EUR